Commands and functions > Drawing > Silicon joint
Silicon joint
Tab SchüCad next > Group Drawing > Silicon joint
SchüCad next > Drawing > Silicon joint
SchüCad next Drawing > Silicon joint
Command input:
Use this command to create silicon cross sections between parallel and non-parallel boundary edges.
The command may also be used for drawing welded seams.
Design points
Input request 
Select first boundary edge:
Click on the first boundary edge (G1).
Select second boundary edge:
Click on the second boundary edge (G2).
Please select the position of the top silicone edge:
Click on the first point for the boundary (P1).
Please select the position of the bottom silicone edge
Click on the second point for the boundary (P2).
Please enter the desired number of lines <12>:
Enter the number of lines to crosshatch or leave the default value.
Press the Enter key.
The silicone cross section is inserted.
Associated commands
Insert sealing tape