Commands and functions > Drawing > Sealing cord
Sealing cord
Tab SchüCad next > Group Drawing > Sealing cord
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Command input:
Creates a sealing cord (or sealing tape) with a round or flat cross section. Specifying a material is optional. The depiction is possible for parallel and non-parallel boundary edges.
Dialog box Sealing cord
In the dialog box you will find on the left side the display section with the dynamic preview. On the right side you can see the operating section with the tabs Properties and Manager. The properties are object specific; the manager is the same for all objects.
At the top left there are two buttons for favorites. You will find further information on this in the section Saving and using favorites.
The preview shows the sealing cord with the currently set properties. The preview is primarily used for a visual check, but offers other functions too:
Additional functions are activated by clicking in the preview with the mouse wheel. You will find further information on this in the section Object preview.
Dialog box section Display
Creates a sealing cord without infill.
Creates a sealing cord that is completely filled.
Creates a sealing cord with hatched infill. When you select a material, the material-dependent hatching is used.
Opens the Dialog box Assign layer. You will find further information on this in the Chapter Assign layer.
Opens the Dialog box Assign hatch pattern. You will find further information on this in the Chapter Assign hatch pattern.
Opens the Dialog box Label. You will find further information on this in the Chapter Label.
Tab Properties
Dialog box section Type
Creates a sealing cord starting from a round cross section.
Creates a sealing cord starting from a flat cross section with rounded corners.
Dialog box section Original
Here you enter the dimensions of the pre-compressed cross section.
Defines the diameter of the sealing cord.
Defines the width of the sealing cord.
Defines the height of the sealing cord.

Sealing cord items
Opens the Dialog box Sealing cord items. You can select a saved sealing cord there in order to accept its properties.
Dialog box section Mounted
Here you enter the dimensions of the installed cross section.
Gap dimension
Enter the required gap dimension here.
The maximum gap dimension corresponds to five times the original dimension and must not be exceeded.
Enter the required angle here.
The maximum possible angle is displayed and cannot be exceeded.

From drawing
Allows joint dimensions (gap dimension and angle) to be taken from the drawing. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and the following appears:
Input request 
First joint edge: Select objects or [?]:
Select a line or segment of a polyline as the first joint edge.
Second joint edge: Select objects or [?]:
Select a line or segment of a polyline as the second joint edge.
Specify start point or [?]:
Specify a point on one of the joints as the starting point for creating the sealing cord.
Specify side or [?]:
Using the mouse point out the side on which the sealing cord is to be produced.
Then the Dialog box Sealing cord is shown again and you have the option of changing further settings.
Opens the Dialog box Material selection, where you can select a material. You will find further information on materials in the chapters Material and Material selection.
Opens the Dialog box Item, where you can select an item number.
Once you have specified an item number, the sealing cord is available for further use. Access is via the Dialog box Sealing cord items.
You will find a detailed explanation on items in the Chapter Item.
Tab Manager
You will find a detailed description of the functions of the manager in the Chapter Management of objects.
When you click OK, the dialog box is terminated. The following procedure is used:
Input request 
Specify insertion point:
Point with the mouse or enter coordinates to specify the insertion point for the sealing cord.
Specify rotation angle <0>:
Point with the mouse or enter coordinates to specify the rotation angle of the sealing cord. Press the Enter key to accept the default angle.
Dialog box Sealing cord items
Provides sealing cords to which item numbers have been assigned. Select the desired sealing cord from the list and close the dialog box with OK.