Commands and functions > Dimensioning and labeling > Object dimensioning
Object dimensioning
Tab SchüCad next > Group Label > Object dimensioning
SchüCad next > Label > Object dimensioning
SchüCad next Label > Object dimensioning
Command input:
Generates automatic, associative dimensioning for outlines and SchüCad next objects. You can update existing dimensions, which have been generated with this command, after changing the dimension options.
The Dimension options can be set in a dialog box. You will find detailed information on the Dialog box Dimension options in the section Object dimensioning.
Input request 
Select object or [Settings/Undo/?]:
Select the object to be dimensioned.
With the option Settings you can open the Dialog box Dimension options. Here you can adapt the dimension settings for the various object types.
You can cancel the last dimension with the Undo button. If you had dimensioned several objects one after the other, you can gradually undo them.
With the option ? you call the help.
Terminates the dialog box, saves the settings made and returns to the input request.
Terminates the dialog box, discards the settings made and returns to the input request.
Dimensioning SchüCad next objects is associative. This means that the dimension is automatically adapted when you change the object.
The current dimension settings (e.g. dimension figure height) are used for dimensioning.
Associated commands:
Detach associative object dimensions
Important functions for object management are arranged in the quick access area.

Opens an existing object.
For this, the Dialog box Select objects is displayed, where you can select a saved object. You will find further information on this in the section Object selection.

Saves the object without having to specify a new name. When you save an unnamed object, the Dialog box Save is displayed. You will find information on this in the section Saving objects.

Save as
Saves the object under a new name. To do this, the Dialog box Save is displayed. You will find information on this in the section Saving objects.

Select object
Brings an object from the drawing into the editor. For this, the dialog box is temporarily closed and an input request follows for the object selection.

Use default
Restores the default settings (system or user defaults) in the dialog box or resets the dialog box to the original state.

Save as default
Saves the current settings as user default.

Remove default
Removes the user defaults and restores the system defaults. The button is inactive when no user defaults have been saved.
Drop-down menu Line properties
db_ath_leader_line_optionsOverwrite arrow type
Overwrite arrow size
Overwrite color
Closes the dialog box and applies the set-head to the leader.
Terminates the dialog. All settings are discarded.